Add a Mystery Box to your Iron Chef Competition!
Starting at $35 (Plus Shipping), we will ship a three ingredient Mystery Box to your guests to use during the competition.
Have a theme in mind? Our Event Planners are here to help!

Three Mystery Ingredients will be wrapped in tissue and labeled clearly, so guests know not to open them until told to do so. All ingredients will be pantry stable -no refrigeration required.
Mystery Ingredients

Custom Aprons, branded merchandise or printed collateral can all be added to you Mystery Boxes. Just ask for details and additional pricing.
Additional Collateral

We include an instructional note card as a gentle reminder to participants to not peek at the Mystery Ingredients until our Chef instructs them to do so during the competition. The back of the note card provides space to brainstorm menu ideas.
Instructional Note Card

We ship the Mystery Boxes via USPS Priority Mail. Mystery boxes should arrive to all guests within 1-3 business days.
Shipping & Packaging

A disposable Chef Hat to wear during the competition and a Kitchen Conversion Magnet to help with measurements during and after the event, are also included!
Chef Hat & Kitchen Magnet

Add an Iron Chef Mystery Box to your Competition by clicking the Plan an Iron Chef Button below and checking the Mystery Box Option. Leave a comment if you would like a Custom Theme to your box.
How Do I Request One?